The Experience of Hypnosis

Hypnosis feels like the transition between wakefulness and sleep and has qualities of both these states. One is fully conscious of everything that is going on and, contrary to what you may have heard, is in complete control. Hypnosis is a highly receptive state of mind that makes the process of change much easier.

At no time will you be asleep or unaware of what is going on. You will, however, be likely to feel more relaxed than ever before. A feeling of peace, serenity and well-being generally accompany this relaxation.

What about the idea that some people are just not hypnotizable?

Anyone who can daydream can be hypnotised if he is willing. Nobody can be hypnotised against his will. If a person is not willing to cooperate, he cannot be hypnotised. However, the idea that some people are just not hypnotizable is INCORRECT. Some people may initially have problems with feeling that they may lose control in some unacceptable way. This may lead them to intellectually second guess and over analyse what is going on. Thinking too much will interfere with relaxing enough to enter a trance state.

Hypnosis is NOT about the hypnotist controlling the person. It is about the person gaining more control over himself. Once the person realises that experiencing hypnotic trance will (a) help him feel how he wants to feel and do what he wants to do, AND (b) actually give him more control and power than he previously had, he will stop overthinking, and let it happen.

What role does the Subconscious Mind play?

The Subconscious part of the mind, or the Inner Mind, controls all of the living functions that keep us alive, as well as all of our automatic behaviour patterns. But, the Subconscious is not as easily communicated with as is the Conscious Mind. Information is imprinted in the Subconscious essentially in three ways: through trauma, through repetition, and through the language of Hypnosis. 

Thus, Hypnosis is the quickest and most efficient way to impress the Subconscious and imprint changes in behaviours, attitudes, beliefs and feelings. The upshot is that making changes in long-standing, core habits (e.g., eating patterns, smoking, emotional reactivity, coping responses) often creates internal discomfort and stress. 

Old habits cling and typically resist efforts to change them. This can be because of Conscious conflict about changing, but it can also be the result of conflict between the Conscious and the Subconscious parts of the mind. That is, you consciously may want to change and may have decided to change, but the Subconscious does not know this. If it did, it would help you, but it often has no way of knowing that you consciously want to change.

So, it continues to control the old behavioural habits and this creates and perpetuates inner conflict. Once the Subconscious is informed that you want to change, and once it knows that it is in your best interest to be helped to change, it has no choice but to help you change. Then, the two parts of the mind, Conscious and Subconscious, can work together in cooperation with little tension, upset, or stress. Remember, what you can conceive you can achieve, and the Subconscious has a tendency to accept what it imagines as real.